▶ Other regulations will be notified through internal discussions at the Seoul Popcorn Secretariat if it is necessary,

▶ At the exhibition hall, please cooperate with the guidance of the organizers, security guards, and staff.

▶ In case of violation of the regulations, if there is no improvement even after the 1st and 2nd warnings, you will be taken off the costume.

▶ If warnings are accumulated, there may be a disadvantage in participating in Seoul POPCON in the future.

Seoul POPCON operates ‘Dressing room & Luggage storage] in the exhibition hall for the convenience of cosplayers and visitors. (Cosplay Zone)

▶ The dressing room and luggage storage are available on site on a first-come, first-served basis.

▶ The organizers do not take any responsibility for loss or damage to items in the cosplay zone.

    Please take care of personal luggage management.

Please be aware and follow the Filming guide below to make the show safe and enjoyable for everyone.

▶ Press and Photographers without a PRESS Badge may be rejected for taking a picture.

▶ Excessive low angles, taking photos highlighting certain body parts, and demanding poses that cause the cosplayers to feel shame are prohibited.

▶ Unreasonable demand or for the cosplayer's situation, taking Photos may be rejected, and if you force the cosplayers to do so, the security guard may force you out.

▶ Illegal filming is prohibited, and please take pictures after asking for the consent of the cosplayer.

▶ Please refrain from unpleasant words and actions such as physical contact, sexual harassment, and the external features of cosplayers. Please enjoy a healthy cosplay culture together.

Cosplayers are absolutely welcomed to Seoul POPCON. Please do not hesitate to visit Seoul POPCON in your favourite character's costume, and follow the rules below to make the show safe and enjoyable for everyone.

▶ Seoul POPCON is ‘Family friendly event’ therefore costumes cannot depict any violation designated by Korean law, and all sorts of costumes that are against public morality are strictly prohibited.
▶ In any circumstances, all sorts of costumes that can displease the public such as nudity, gore, graphic violence, and other offensive or unpleasant expression or act are not allowed.
▶ Cosplay & costume which promote/use alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco products, firearms/weapons or any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous or contains any particular political agenda or message will be strictly prohibited.
▶ Costumes cannot be obscene, offensive, racist, sexist or endorse any form of hatred or hate group;
▶ Costume cannot defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging remarks about Seoul POPCON or its products, or other people, products or companies.
▶ Costume cannot communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which Seoul POPCON wishes to associate;
▶ Please refrain from wearing or using any substances that may potentially disturb or displease other participants. Any participants with body paint or make-up must keep certain distance to avoid any sort of contact to prevent leaving stains on other participant’s costume.
▶ Wings, large props, or large costumes are just fine, but if your costume is too big, you may not fit through the doors. If possible, make wings and other parts that make your costume detachable.

If a person engages in harassing behavior, Seoul POPCON Staff will take prompt action in any form they deem appropriate. Cosplay is not consent. Keep your hands to yourself. If you would like to take a picture with or of another Seoul POPCON Fan, always ask first and respect that person's right to say no. When at Seoul POPCON, be respectful, be nice, be cool and be kind to each other. Anyone can report harassment. 

If someone’s behavior has made you uncomfortable, or if you witness the same happening to someone else, you should immediately contact Seoul POPCON Staff, Security Team or a Crew Member. You may also come to Seoul POPCON's Show Office.

Seoul POPCON has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind, including but not limited to:

▶ Stalking
▶ Offensive Verbal Comments
▶ Harassing or Non-Consensual Photography or Recording
▶ Peeping restroom or Dressing room
▶ Inappropriate Physical Contact and Unwelcome Physical Attention
▶ Intimidation
▶ Inappropriate Physical Contact
▶ Physical Assault or Battery

In relation, but not limited to:

▶ Race
▶ Color
▶ Nationality
▶ Gender
▶ Sexual Orientation
▶ Body type
▶ Appearance
▶ Age
▶ Disability
▶ Religion

▶ The weapon props are allowed to enter after checking the safety of the staff and security guards at the entrance of the exhibition hall and dressing room&luggage storage.

*  It is recommended that weapons props be used only within in the Seoul Popcorn Exhibition Hal and the aisle in front of the exhibition hall.


-  All the weapon props made with EVA foam, formex, hardboard, wood, polystyrenes and other light material are allowed to enter Seoul POPCON. 

- For gun props, it is allowed only if it doesn’t cause any confusion with actual guns and MUST BE CLOSED WITH THE COLORED CAPS.

- Bow props are allowed only if the arrow points are made with soft materials.


- Even if they fall under the guideline above, the costumes and props that are considered to be a threat to others may be restricted from entering and confiscated within the event venue for a safe cosplay event. 

(ex. sharp weapons made of metal, etc.)

Category (ex)

Functional firearms (including replica and all sorts of functional firearms etc)
Chemical weapons (including A self-defense spray, mustard spray and pepper spray etc) 
Explosives (including firecrackers and fireworks etc)
Functional projectile weapons (including blow guns, crossbows, long bows, silly string, slingshots, water balloons and water guns etc)
Sharpened metal-bladed weapons (including axes, daggers, hatches, knives, kunai, shuriken, swords, sword canes and switch blades etc)
All sorts of weapon & weapon props that can harm other visitors directly or indirectly

You can bring it in if you blocked the muzzle of the gun with an orange tip and removed its battery. We will inform you about general rule of cosplay costumes in details as well as the other operational policies.

Seoul POPCON 2023

ⓒExporum Inc., All Rights Reserved.