Company NameANDREBADA 
Booth No.C501
CountrySouth Korea

ANDREBADA is an SDGs-related digital content company, planning and producing digital content such as e-books, media books, animations, and games on the theme of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ESG. We are striving for sustainable development in the field of education. 

o Business field: 

① Policy planning and evaluation/performance model competency evaluation 

② Digital publishing, educational games, animation development, etc. 

③ International Development Cooperation ODA Project 

④ Development and operation of convergence education programs


Andre and his animal friends lived on a peaceful island of ice. One day after a huge tsunami due to global warming, Andre and his friends search for a missing baby seahorse. A baby seahorse found in a pile of plastic garbage on the beach makes the animal friends question why the earth is submerged in water.Why was the whole world submerged in water? Where does plastic come from? What is happening on Earth?A box containing the secrets of the Plastic Company found by chance, Andre and her friends embark on a journey to Earth to uncover the secrets of the Plastic Company and save the Ice Island...