Torycoms is the webtoon production company since 2017.
Torycoms’ webtoon titles have been globally distributed and received quite high reputations in Japan, China, European countries, such as France and even Brazil.
Torycoms produces Livetoon (moving toon), VR toon and sponsored webtoons for companies as well as public organizations.
Torycoms runs renowned Webtoon PD Academy regularly for educating well trained producers for webtoon planning, production and distribution, too.
Year of 2023 can’t be more important than any other years for Torycoms. Since there is the very strong line up for noble comicalization from super IP webnovels.
We can’t wait to show off our newly producing webtoon titles!
Stay tuned and follow us.

Torycoms is the webtoon production company since 2017.
Torycoms’ webtoon titles have been globally distributed and received quite high reputations in Japan, China, European countries, such as France and even Brazil.
Torycoms produces Livetoon (moving toon), VR toon and sponsored webtoons for companies as well as public organizations.
Torycoms runs renowned Webtoon PD Academy regularly for educating well trained producers for webtoon planning, production and distribution, too.
Year of 2023 can’t be more important than any other years for Torycoms. Since there is the very strong line up for noble comicalization from super IP webnovels.
We can’t wait to show off our newly producing webtoon titles!
Stay tuned and follow us.